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bdHarman Productions > creative diversion articles

Diversion 1:
Put the mouse down and back away from the monitor!
physically engineer to better understand virtual engineering
by Brett Harman

Digital Designers have the power to create virtual environments, incorporating everything and anything possibly envisioned. Often their drive for abstraction and uniqueness become so great, they find themselves unconstrained and any laws of physics and fundamental engineering need not apply.

OK, so you’re slipping into a design-over-function coma. Oh yea, and your next project consist of designing a life-like animated interface which must simulate real mechanical movements and so on. This interface must appear structurally-sound to any engineer.

Make some furniture. Yes that’s right, make some furniture. Don’t just assemble a pre-designed desk or bookshelf. Choose your materials and design your own. Be as creative as you can while maintaining focus on Functionality and Rigidity of the piece. Remember, you will use this piece of furniture somewhere in your home or office, so make sure it works.

If you really crave a challenge, only use random materials around the house, shop or office.

You will be amazed to find how much physical creations influence virtual reasoning and logic.


:: about this article ::
The “diversion” section of is intended to help those in the creative-world overcome creative-block. Sometimes, when you’re too deep in the forest, you can’t see the trees.

If you have a way to restore the creative-flow and would like to share – email your story and any accompanying files to

Note: All submissions must be reviewed and accepted by bdHarman Productions before they are posted. Content must be suitable for all viewers.

Copyright © 2004 bdHarman Productions. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten, or redistributed.